Men’s Complete Body Detox Kit

Men’s Complete Body Detox Kit


Regardless of your specific health challenge, healing begins with detoxifying the body. Are you tired of managing your disease symptoms with pharmaceutical drugs that have side effects that are often worst than the disease itself?

The Complete Body Detox is a 20 program that works to naturally cleanse the body to heal and prevent health issues, aid in weight management efforts (along with diet modification and exercise), supports the immune system, and increasing energy levels to name just a few of it’s benefits.

  • 20 Day all-natural program to cleanse, rejuvenate, and energize the body, and support all of its natural eliminative channels (i.e skin, liver, lungs, kidneys and colon).
  • Assists your body in releasing excess weight up to 10-30 lbs (based on actual user reports – results may vary)
  • Helps to support the immune system
  • Helps maintain healthy skin and complexion
  • Works to increase energy levels
  • Promotes a more positive outlook on life
  • Supports normalized and regulated body functions
  • Helps clear the mind
  • Helps reduce sugar and junk food cravings
  • Helps to maintain healthy libido and circulation


Men’s Complete Body Detox Kit

20 day detoxification program that is specifically formulated for men and women. It helps you lose weight, provides an herbal detox and increases your libido simultaneously. The Complete Body Detox accomplishes this by helping the body get rid of harmful chemicals, wastes, and toxins that have accumulated inside the body over time. Toxic wastes are usually by-products of the body’s natural processes. However, wastes can also be introduced to the body through foods, air, and other environmental factors. The ‘COMPLETE BODY DETOX comes with 8 powerful natural herbal formulas and an instruction booklet. Most common results of our complete body detox include, but are not limited to:


Expected Results in Addition to Detoxification

Weight reduction/release (10-30 pounds)
More resilient skin and complexion
Enhanced energy levels
Clearer sense of being and mental clarity
Enhanced immunity throughout the year
More normalized and regulated body functions
Eradication of cravings (especially sugar, junk food, etc.)
Improved and enhanced circulation and libido


What it Does

The COMPLETE BODY DETOX is a program that helps the body get rid of harmful chemicals, wastes, and toxins that have accumulated inside the body over time. Toxic wastes are usually by-products of the body’s natural processes. However, wastes can also be introduced to the body through foods, air, and other environmental factors. The natural herbs found in this product will give you a natural weight loss of about 10 – 30 pounds. As well as detoxify your body and support and enhance full function of vital organs. Several body organs are responsible for the body’s natural detoxification. This includes the kidneys, liver, colon, blood, lungs, lymph system, and skin. However, your body needs assistance in detoxifying, as it can sometimes hardly keep up with the natural cleansing process.

The body can send you signals telling you when it’s time for a detox. Some of the signs include: excess weight, digestive problems, food cravings, unexplained fatigue, dry skin,  and white coated tongue. Others are dull and brittle hair, rashes, irritability, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, allergies, bad breath, and poor memory. Sometimes the body gives us no signals, but we should still consider doing the detox as a preventive program to cleanse out the body.


Why should you detox?

WHY DETOX? As it is said, the human body has its own way of cleansing, detoxifying, and regenerating itself. However, due to several reasons such as lifestyle choices, stress, and exposure to chemicals, the body’s natural cleansing process can be hampered. Hence, the body will have a hard time breaking down and eliminating the toxins. This is where the need for a complete body detox comes in. The question is, why do we need to detox in the first place? The body can get a lot of benefits out of a full body detox.

Here are just a few of the benefits associated with a detox: Enjoy a longer life. Detoxing means getting rid of the poisons inside the body. If you help the body do its job, the body will have less work to do and less strain. With this, the aging process can be slowed down. Plus, helping your organs cleanse the body can make them work better and longer for you. Increased vigor and vitality. When you help the body detox, you are conserving a lot of energy that the organs are supposed to be using for flushing out poisons.

Hence, your overall fitness and energy will soar after a complete body detox. A body without toxins and poisons call for a proper restoration and renewal of the body cells. The body can very well defend the system from ailments and even prevent the body’s progressive decline. The overall benefits of a complete body detox can be seen in a better-looking skin, shinier hair, and decreased weight. There are also fewer allergic reactions to be expected and less susceptibility to pain. A body without toxins and poisons calls for a proper restoration and renewal of the body cells. The body can very well defend the system from ailments and even prevent the body’s progressive decline.

The overall benefits of a complete body detox can be seen in a disease prevention, increased energy levels, better-looking skin, shinier hair, and decreased weight. There are also fewer allergic reactions to be expected and less susceptibility to pain.



When you purify your body via detoxification, you open the door to healing and rejuvenation. You help to turn back the hands of time on aging or degenerating. The common results of most people after performing Complete Body Detox includes but are not limited to: weight reduction, disease prevention and healing, enhanced resilience in skin and complexion, enhanced energy levels, enhanced and a clear sense of feeling and thinking, a more positive outlook on life, enhanced willpower, enhanced immunity throughout the year, normalized and regulated body functions, regularity of bowel movements, eradication of cravings (especially sugar, junk food, etc.), improved and enhanced circulation which improves and enhanced libido.





Legal Disclamer

The Complete Body Detox itself does NOT diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent any specific disease and health challenge because nothing outside of man can cure or heal! Nothing! No product whether it is herbal-based or pharmaceutical-based can heal you! There is no magic pill and there never will be. Healing is from within! Only God and the human mind-body can heal. Man and Herbs can only assist!


WHAT ARE THE HERBAL INGREDIENTS? Consists of eight (7) potent, safe, and effective herbal formulas, and 1 Bottle of Activated Charcoal.

(1) Blood & Lymphatic Formula – Function: Blood and Lymphatic formula contains herbs that have been traditional used to nourish, rebuild, maintain and purify the blood and lymphatic fluid of toxic wastes and impurities. The herbs in this formula are well known for removing toxins from the blood and lymphatic fluid as well as increasing iron levels. Good clean blood is a prerequisite for optimum health.

Ingredients: Yellow Dock, Manjistha, Burdock, Dandelion Root, Red Clover, Nettle Chickweed, Sassafras, Chaparral Leaf, Amla, Cleavers, Oregon Grape, Wild Indigo Root, Poke Root, Iron Weed, Strawberry Leaf, Cat’s Claw, Cayenne, Red Root, Ligustrum, Pau D’ Arco, Ceresee, Solomon’s Seal and Goldenseal Root.

(2) Cardio-Vascular Formula –  Function: Cardio-Vascular formula contains herbs that have been traditionally used to enhance heart pumping function, lower cholesterol levels, normalize blood pressure, strengthen veins,artery and capillary integrity and in general tone the heart. A healthy heart and circulatory system is essential for optimum health

Ingredients: Hawthorne Berries, Mistletoe Cayenne, Motherwort, Gingko Biloba, Green Tea, Lily of the Valley, Butcher’s Broom, Bungleweed, Prickly Ash Bark, Ginger, Angelica, Kola Nut, Blessed Thistle, Guggal Gum, Horse Chestnut, Wahoo Bark, Bala, Shephard’s Purse, and Purnarnava

(3) Liver, Gallbladder & Spleen Formula – Function: Liver, Gallbladder & Spleen is a powerful, stimulating formula which is cleansing, healing, and strengthening to the both the liver and gallbladder. The plants in this formula work synergistically to help heal and detoxify these vital organs. This formula helps the liver and gallbladder  flush out toxins, chemicals, antibiotics, pollutants and drugs from the body.

Ingredients: Milk Thistle, Dandelion, Boldo, Artichoke, Barberry, Tumeric, Gentian Root, Bupleurem, Oregon Grape, Quassia, Toadflax, Blue Flag, Fringe Tree Bark, Peony Root, Celadine, Mandrake, Chicory, Liverwort, Fumitory, Agrimony, Wahoo Bark, Fenugreek, Manjistha, and Goldenseal Root

(4) Lungs & Respiratory Formula –  Function: The Lung and Respiratory formula contains herbs that help strengthen,tone and maintain the respiratory system by removing mucus and nourishing the lung tissues. This formula cleanses and clears the entire respiratory tract which facilitates comfortable breathing. A uncompromised respiratory system is a prerequisite for optimal health.

Ingredients: Mullein Leaf, Fenugreek, Irish Moss, Eucalyptus, Comfrey, Licorice Root, Marshmallow, Cayenne, Boneset, Horehound, Elecampane, Slippery Elm Bark, Lungwort Blackberry, Coltsfoot, Yerba Santa, Wild Cherry Bark, Pleurisy, Thyme, Peppermint, Blood Root, Lungmoss, White Pine Bark and Goldenseal

(5) Kidneys, Bladder & Adrenals Formula – Function: The Kidney, Bladder and Adrenal formula contains herbs that have an affinity for the kidneys, bladder and adrenal glands. It will assist with revitalizing the urinary system, eliminate kidney stones and promotes health and well being.

Ingredients: Juniper Berries, Cornsilk, Uva Ursi, Asparagus, Buchu, Cranberry, Tribulis, Hydrangea, Cleavers, Pelitory of the Wall, Lycopodium, Celery Seed, Parsley Leaf, Gravel Root, Couchgrass, Pipsissewa, Horsetail, Nettle, Agrimony, Manjistha, Button Snake Root, Goldenrod and Devils Claw

(6) Female Hormonal Formula – Function: The Female Hormonal formula consists of herbs that address female specific issues. It strengthens and tones the female reproductive system. Many of the herbs included will also balance hormonal levels of estrogen progesterone and testosterone. Furthermore, it assists the endocrine system to maximize the normal function of the uterus and ovaries and in general promotes a healthy reproductive system.

Ingredients: Red Clover, Black Cohosh, Maca, Dong Quai, Blue Cohosh, Squawvine, Red Raspberry Leaf, Chaste Tree Berry, Wild Yam Root, Blessed Thistle, Damiana, Saw Palmetto Berry, Kelp, Korean Red Ginseng, Sarsaparilla, False Unicorn, Licorice Root, Ashoka, Shitwari, and Ashwagandha


(6) Male Hormonal Formula –  Function: The Male Hormonal formula consists of herbs that contain male hormonal precursors (phyto-testosterone) that help to strengthen, tone and rejuvenate the male reproductive system. It will also assist with prostate gland issues along with promoting a healthy sexual function. The herbs listed will also assist with replenishing vital nutrients like zinc which are diminished via the process of ejaculation

Ingredients: Horny Goat Weed, Saw Palmetto Berry, Damiana, Nettle, Pygeum Bark, Kelp, Muira Puama, Catuaba Bark, Kapikacchu, Sarsaparilla, Bala, Amla Fruit, Licorice, Suma, Schisandra Berry, Tribulis, Ashwagandha, Codonopsis Cinnamon Bark, Gotu Kola

(7) Colon Formula – FUNCTION: The Colon & Intestinal formula contains herbs that condition the colon and intestinal tract by mildly stimulating peristalsis, sweeps the colon walls (due to its mucilaginous and bulking properties) helping to repair villi, lubricating the colon and aiding in the formation of stools. Health and disease originate in the colon. A clean and functioning colon is a prerequiste for optimum health.

Ingredients: Senna Leaf and Pods, Cascara Sagrada, Activated Charcoal, Buckthorn, Psyllium Husks, Black Walnut Hulls, Rhubarb, Irish Moss, Aloe Vera, Mandrake, Poke Root, Slippery Elm Bark, Cayenne, Bentonite Clay, Guar Gum, Goldenseal Root and Ipecac Root

(8) Activated Charcoal (Carbon) is one of the greatest substances on planet earth. It neutralizes 200 times its own weight in heavy metal toxins, gases, acids, etc. This wonderful substance will greatly remove all the toxic residues from all the harmful substances we unwisely put into our bodies, especially pharmaceutical drugs. Carbon is very alkalizing to the body. Our Organic charcoal formula derived from white willow bark and coconut shell is safe on enamel and gums! Activated charcoal can also be used to brush your teeth. Harness the power of activated charcoal to detoxify your teeth and gums. Your teeth will never be so white and feel so clean- Naturally!

The above statements have not been approved by the FDA and the product is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, or mitigate any disease.


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