Female Breast Enlargement
Our female breast enhancement product uses a revolutionary formula that contains the most powerful blend of feminine curve-enhancing herbs from nature. It provides effective support for natural breast size development and enhancement without invasive surgery. The unique formula is designed to support an increase in firmness and perkiness of breasts. It was determined that by using 18 botanicals blended in a specific ratio would create an exponentially stronger product than one herb alone. In our opinion the most important factor it is the ratio of the individual herbs within the formula that accelerates the breast tissue formation.
The overall size and fullness of your breasts is impacted by the presence and ongoing shift of hormones like estrogen. So the foundation of the Female Breast Enhancement formula is a series of 100% safe phytoestrogens…
… Which naturally mimic the action of estrogen to further firm and lift your breast tissues.
It has also been formulated to contain a variety of herbs, nutrients, antioxidants and hormone balancers that promote overall breast health while reducing symptoms of PMS, menopause, diminished sex drive, vaginal dryness, and more.
Why Choose The Urban Herb
We’ve worked on creating an plant based alternative for women who are reluctant to go under the knife for breast augmentation. Our formula, infused with 18 essential herbs has paved the way for women to take an alternative route to painful and scar created surgeries. The objective is to help women achieve their desired bust size with the use of our product. Not only have we helped in a sensitive area, but we have been blessed to report the additional experience with clearer skin, painless cramps, and happier moods.
Women choose Female Breast Enlargement for an increase in breast size, firmness, and fullness with zero additives and fillers. Our ingredients come from nature, as opposed to being made in laboratories. Each of the herbs have been shown to demonstrate success without a list of side effects. There are plenty of risks that are included in breast augmentations, for example; the implants deflating, shifting, or leaking. With our formula, your natural breasts increase with your own tissue as intended by nature.
The Benefits:
- Enhance breast size without surgery
- Increase firmness of breasts
- Maximize curves of the bust
- Boost overall perkiness of breasts
- No weight gain or negative side effects
You may notice an increase in size, fullness and firmness in three to four weeks, but for optimum permanent results you should take Female Breast Enlargement formula for 3 – 6 months; individual results will vary
How Does It Work?
This formula is a proprietary blend of mastogenic herbs and exotic plants that has been shown to increase a woman’s breast size by stimulating new cell growth in the mammary glands. It reactivates the natural hormonal actions on breast tissue resulting in increased breast size. Enhances and stimulates estrogen-sensitive breast tissues and helps to enhance breast size naturally by introducing phyto-estrogen (naturally occuring plant estrogen) derived from plants directly into the estrogen receptor sites.
Increase estrogen levels and stimulate blood flow. Prepare your body for the awesome changes about to occur.
Enhance the growth of breast tissue by taking a special blend of herbs.
Build breast tissue naturally without weight gain or invasive surgery.
Improve the firmness and perkiness of breasts by increasing the production of phytoestrogens such as prolactin, which stimulates the growth of breast tissue
18 Natural Ingredients Impact on Breasts
- Fennel Seed: Fennel has long been praised for its abundance of flavonoids.
Flavonoids exert mild estrogenic effects and are used to stimulate and repair the growth of new breast tissue. As a cooling spice it also calms the nerves, relaxes muscles and promotes mental alertness. And as an aphrodisiac, it increases libido.
How does Fennel Seed make breasts bigger?
While most of Fennel Seeds’ uses are still up for debate in the science world, it has definitely been proven to increase bust size through the stimulation of the milk glands in breasts. Fennel Seed is what herbalists call a galactagogue, which is a fancy way of saying it promotes breast milk production or lactation. Other lactation friendly herbs are fenugreek, milk thistle, and chaste tree berry.
Fennel seeds have got estrogenic effects on the breasts they contain a few compounds which all work together by stimulating estrogen production. Fennel seeds are typically known to naturally increase the amount of fluids inside the breast tissue. That means they will not only add firmness to your breasts but will lead to a dramatic increase in breast size.
2. Red Clover: A few of the main purposes of red clover is for indigestion, high cholesterol, breast pain, menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and premenstrual syndrome.Red Clover contains isoflavones that are similar to estrogen, which means that red clover is often used as a source of bio-identical hormones.
How Does Red Clover Make Breasts Bigger?
Not only do the isoflavones found in Red Clover promote estrogen levels to help the various health issues found in women, that process which turns the isoflavones into phytoestrogens is crucial to the process of breast enlargement. The main phytoestrogen found in Red Clover is genistein. Genistein attaches itself to your oestrogen receptors which control breast growth. That’s right, the Red Clover found in our formula naturally and efficiently promotes healthy breast enlargement by acting as a catalyst in a process that is already happening in your body.
3. Motherwort: Motherwort can be found in several habitats but flourishes in areas that have shady, moist, rich soils.This powerful plant has been used to treat heart conditions, anxiety and menstrual periods. Researchers have said that taking a combination of motherwort, valerian, hops and lemon balm before bed has helped to improve sleeping. Motherwort got its name because historically midwives used it for many purposes, most notably to prevent uterine infection in women. Besides acting as a galactagogue, Motherwort also acts as an emmenagogue (promotes menstrual flow). That’s right! Motherwort can actually help to regulate your menstrual cycle and can even ease the symptoms associated with menopause and menstruation.
How Does Motherwort Make Breasts Bigger?
Motherwort makes breasts bigger by naturally aiding the processes in your body that promote milk flow and breast tenderness (remember the galactagogue property of Motherwort mentioned above). This, even when not pregnant, naturally increases your bust size. The relaxing property of Motherwort also aids in the resting and strengthening of your muscles and tissues. This allows for those muscles and tissues, especially in the breasts since that’s what Motherwort targets, to naturally grow larger.
4. Flaxseed: According to WebMD some may call flaxseed one of the most powerful plant foods on the planet.Flaxseed is a rich source of antioxidants, healthy fat and fiber. . It may even protect against diabetes and cardiovascular problems. As a deterrent to breast cancer, the lignans (a substance found in plants that mimics estrogen) found in flaxseed helped stymy the growth of breast cancer tumors.
How Does Flaxseed Make Breasts Bigger?
5. Chasteberry: Like, Dong Quai, the Flaxseed contain a plant estrogen known as phytoestrogen, or “dietary estrogen”. This means it’s estrogen that’s not produced in the body, but you can still safely consume it with no problem. The similarities between estrogen and phytoestrogen mean you reap the same benefits, including increasing breast tissue growth. This is how you grow larger breasts!
Flaxseed has also been the subject of several studies on breast cancer. Those studies have shown a correlation between taking the herb and decreased size of tumors. So it can be seen as an all around good supplement for breast health. Women of all cultures have taken Flaxseed for other womanly concerns, like reducing symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause. That’s why we’ve added it to our formula, because it helps in breast enhancement and other areas too!
Chasteberry also known as vitex has been one of the most popular herbs for over centuries marketed for feminine health. Whether it’s for PMS, relieving cramps and or enlarging your breasts, chasteberry is a woman’s best friend. Herbalists suggest using chasteberry for regulating hormone imbalance in women. Funny how “monk’s pepper”, better known as chasteberry, is actually used more so by women than by men. Chasteberry gets its name from the the speculation in ancient times that the flower would decrease the libido, hence the name Chasteberry. The plant’s main focus is to your pituitary gland, which is the reason Chasteberry is used in our formula. The pituitary gland affects hormone levels which directly affects breast size as well as other uses in women.
How Does Chasteberry Make Breasts Bigger?
When you eat a chasteberry, it activates your pituitary gland, which is located in the brain. This stimulation releases prolactin, which is a hormone that helps female mammals produce milk (like the word lactate), and regulates your estrogen and progesterone hormone levels in your body. So how is that related to bigger breasts? Studies have shown that higher prolactin levels are greatly associated with larger breast size, since prolactin receptors can be found in the mammary glands where breast milk is produced. Estrogen increases the growth of breast tissue, and studies have shown that larger breast sizes were notably linked to higher progesterone levels. Also, like watercress, you can also find relief in breast tenderness by taking chasteberry.
6. Hops: Other than hops being a comprehensive part in beer-making, it has many other health benefits. Hops is a dried female flower of a perennial vine called Humulus Lupulus. Hops contain estrogen compounds that lead to an increase in breast development. This ingredient is a key factor in helping with the process of growing your breast size. The presence of estrogen in hops is highly effective.
How Do Hops Make Breasts Bigger?
As stated above, the hops used stem from the female portion of the hops plant. That means hops contain phytoestrogens—the plant version of estrogen. More specifically, the phytoestrogen contained in hops is known as 8-prenylnaringenin. In beer, there is a very negligible amounts of 8-prenylnaringenin due to the brewing process (not to mention beer might make other parts of your body bigger), but the hops found in our formula possess the proper amount of 8-prenylnaringenin to promote healthy breast growth! In scientific terms, ingesting the 8-prenylnaringenin found in hops promotes prolactin which increases estrogenic responses in your body. These responses encourage healthy breast muscle and tissue growth in women.
7. Fenugreek: Traditionally fenugreek has been used for treating menopausal symptoms as well as digestive problems. Today, it is most commonly used to boost breast milk production.Fenugreek helps with breast development by stimulating your mammary gland which is what helps the breast tissue to grow. The phytoestrogen found in fenugreek is what helps to increase the levels of estrogen in your body. Although fenugreek helps with breast growth it has multiple other powering benefits as well such as skin improvement, reducing blood sugar and improving lactation during breastfeeding.
How does Fenugreek make breasts bigger?
Noted as a breast milk producing herb, or a galactagogue, Fenugreek has a strong association with breast growth. Being a plant-based estrogen, the herb enhances breasts similar to fennel seed and flaxseed. Those who want bigger breasts and lower blood sugar levels will benefit from taking it. The Urban Herb only chooses safe and effective herbs to help breast enhancement, and this is one of the best to choose from.
8. Mexican Wild Yam Root: Commonly used as a treatment for Osteoperosis, Mexican Wild Yam is an excellent source of Beta-Carotene, and diosgenin, which are powerful Phytochemicals aiding in optimal breast development. It also relaxes smooth muscle. The herb contains hormonal substances very similar to progesterone.
Wild Yam Root has an abundance of diosgenin, which is a chemical that mimics estrogen in the female body. In fact, Wild Yam Root was used in the first versions of oral contraceptives. Wild Yam Root is also remarkably effective for treating menstrual symptoms and menopausal complaints. This is likely due to the fact that its used to make progesterone which has pain-reducing properties.
How Can Wild Yam Root Make Breasts Bigger?
Wild Yam Root contains copious amounts of phytoestrogens (mentioned above as diosgenin) which break down in your body as estrogen. Much like the Black Cohosh, Wild Yam Root encourages the overall health of the female body. Wild Yam is one of the leading ingredients in most breast enhancement supplements/creams since it promotes healthy breast tissue. According to experts Wild Yam does not raise your estrogen levels. Wild Yam Root makes breasts larger by using the natural progesterone its famous for to balance female hormones and assist in the natural development of breast growth. The ratio of Wild Ram Root we use is perfect to help fill out your bra, promote positive breast health, and bring you the confidence you deserve.
9. Dong Quai: Called the “female ginseng” dong quai is an all-purpose herb for a wide range of female gynecological complaints. The root of Dong Quai is undoubtedly the most honored and respected herb in China, and is quickly gaining an equal reputation among users in the rest of the world.Dong Quai has been shown to assist the body in efficiently using hormones. It contains estrogenic substances that exert regulating effect on estrogen levels and on estrogenic biological mechanisms. They enhance estrogenic effects when estrogen levels are too low, and compete when levels are too high. The herb accelerates the healing of wounds and stimulates white blood cell production. The herb directly effect breast enlargement.
The herb has been taken for premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menstrual cramps, infertility and issues from menopause, like hot flashes. Many pre-and-postmenopausal women have claimed Dong Quai has helped them sleep better throughout the night as well.
How Does Dong Quai Make Breasts Bigger?
Since Dong Quai’s main medicinal use is to aid women in their menstrual and menopausal health, like watercress, it only makes sense that it helps in the healthy and natural growth of breasts. If a woman’s reproductive system as a whole is healthy, than the natural enlargement and healthiness of your breasts will follow suit. Dong Quai soothes your breast tissues and allows your breasts to make room for the natural production of breast milk, increasing your breast size even when not lactating. Dong Quai makes breasts bigger through the isoflavone chemical. This chemical is broken down by your body into estrogen which the main hormone for breast growth.
10. Black Cohosh: Studies suggest that Black Cohosh is similar to the drugs used in hormone replacement therapy. Black Cohosh has been valued by many societies for its nutritional support for women. A popular herb for women, it helps restore healthy menses and soothes irritation & congestion of the cervix, uterus and vaginaStudies suggest that Black Cohosh is similar to the drugs used in hormone replacement therapy. Black Cohosh has been valued by many societies for its nutritional support for women. A popular herb for women, it helps restore healthy menses and soothes irritation & congestion of the cervix, uterus and vagina. Having effective amounts of calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron, Black Cohosh Root is also an abundant source of estrogenic substances. Herb’s nutritional support accelerates the new tissue formation.
Historically, the health benefits of Black Cohosh have stemmed from the use by the Native Americans for gynecological disorders. When the Europeans settled in North America, Black Cohosh’s medicinal reputation was borrowed from the Native Americans. It is helpful to prescribe it as a treatment for endometritis, sterility, after-birth maladies, and even for promoting breast milk. Black Cohosh’s contemporary uses are mainly as a dietary supplement, typically marketed towards women as a treatment for menstrual complaints, menopausal symptoms, and other gynecological complications.
Black Cohosh is effective in treating menopausal complaints because it contains macrotin, which mimics the effect of estrogen in the body. Additionally, Black Cohosh contains acetein which helps with hypertension and isoferulic acids, which act as an anti-inflammatory. Moreover, much like Motherwort, one of the main benefits of Black Cohosh are the isoflavones. Breast enhancement would not be possible without isoflavones as they are crucial to aiding in the natural growth of breasts.
How Can Black Cohosh Make Breasts Bigger?
Since Black Cohosh’s main medicinal use is to aid women in their menstrual and menopausal health, it only makes sense that it helps in the healthy and natural growth of breasts. If a woman’s reproductive system as a whole is healthy, than the natural enlargement and healthiness of your breasts will follow suit. Black Cohosh soothes your breast tissues and allows your breasts to make room for the natural production of breast milk, increasing your breast size even when not lactating. Black Cohosh makes breasts bigger through the isoflavone chemical. This chemical is broken down by your body into estrogen which the main hormone for breast growth.
11. Blessed Thistle: Blessed Thistle has long been used around the world as a hormonal balancing agent in women.The herb has a stimulant and a toning action. It acts an excellent blood purifier; Blessed Thistle is a beneficial tonic herb for all the organs in the body. It is superior at toning and enhancing the breast tissues. It is also used as a treatment for women with painful menstrual periods.
How Does Blessed Thistle Make Breasts Bigger?
Blessed Thistle is known as a galactagogue, which is Greek for milk. It’s a substance that helps lactation in human and other mammals. When milk is produced in the breasts, it also has an effect on breast size to be able to store it.
12. Watercress: Watercress contains credible amounts of folic acid and is one of the best sources of vitamin E. This is the fertility vitamin, essential to breast enlargement. Vitamin E helps the body to use oxygen, which increases physical endurance and stamina and improves heart response. As a medicinal plant, Watercress has been traditionally considered a diuretic, expectorant, purgative, stimulant, stomachic and tonic. It has also been used as a remedy against anemia, eczema, kidney and liver disorders, tuberculosis, boils, warts and tumors. Watercress has more iron than spinach, more calcium than milk and three times as much Vitamin E as lettuce.
One of the biggest health benefits of Watercress is its capacity for disease-preventing antioxidants. The stem and leaves of Watercress also contain phenethyl isothiocyanates, which have cancer fighting properties. Antioxidants such as carotene, zeaxanthin, and lutein aid in the fighting of lung and mouth cancers and is prevalent within Watercress. Vitamin K is Watercress’ most common vitamin (around 312% of the daily recommended value). The vitamin K found in Watercress helps strengthen bones and can even help to limit damage to the brain caused by Alzheimer’s disease. Watercress is then a great addition to your diet to help prevent the onset of osteoporosis.
How Does Watercress Make Breasts Bigger
The biggest case for how Watercress makes breasts bigger is the rich amounts of vitamin E found within the plant. Vitamin E supports breast development by strengthening the blood vessels which carry nutrients to your breast tissues. Watercress promotes the production of milk in nursing mothers. Watercress, then, is a wonderfully natural way to increase the size of your breasts. Not only will Watercress help increase the size of your breasts, but the vitamins and nutrients found inside will strengthen the overall health of your breasts.
13. Damiana Herb: contains phyto-estrogens also, which will stimulate the tissue in your breasts to increase your estrogen levels safely. What has been confirmed is that damiana is a phytoprogestin. Like phytoestrogens, phytoprogestins are natural components from plants which bind to progesterone receptors in the body. Research indicates that damiana is an herb with one of the highest capacities to bind to progesterone receptors. Given progesterone’s natural role in breast development, it may be possible that phytoprogestins such as damiana may have a beneficial role to play as well.
14. Pueraria mirifica: It consists at least 13 known chemicals classified as PHYTOESTROGENS and comprised of ; miroestrol, daidzein, genistin, genistein, B-sitosterol, stigmasterol, coumestrol, pueraria, compesterol, mirificoumestan, kwakhurin and mirificin. Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol can only be found in Pueraria Mirifica!
“Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol ” is very different from other phytoestrogens found in other plants such as Damiana. It posses highest estrogenic activity among the known phytoestrogens due to structural similarity to Estradial. Estradiol is the main human estrogen which can be found in all women who are at the stage of nursing baby (Lactating); as you may notice that all women who are in this stage, their breast will enlarge and gain firmness for feeding purpose. This is the main reason why Pueraria Mirifica is unique from other breast enhancement herbs.
15. Saw Palmetto: Currently, saw palmetto is best known for its ability to shrink an enlarged prostate gland. A century ago, however, this herb was best known as a folk approach to breast enlargement. “Naturopathic physicians continue to recommend it for this purpose.” Saw Palmetto is an herb that reduces excessive androgen levels in women. This includes reducing excessive levels of male hormones like testosterone. When excessive androgen levels are reduced, female hormones like estrogen have a greater ability to take an effect. This means our bodies are more capable of utilizing estrogen to naturally promote bigger breasts.
16. Licorice Root: Yes, Licorice has the ability to increase breast size. It is enriched with glabridin, which is a type of phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogen carriers out a similar task as estrogens do in the female body. As a result, the glabridin phytoestrogen helps for breast enlargement.

How Does Licorice Root help For Breast Enlargement?
Recently, the National Institute of Health did a research, which found out that by consuming licorice root, the estrogen level in a female body gets a boost up. As estrogen is the main hormone that is associated with female sexual properties such as breast muscle and menstruation, Licorice root helps to increase breast size. Moreover, licorice contains anethole and dianthole. These chemicals are known for making female hormones more effective. This also helps in breast enlargement.
17. Oak Gall: Oak Gall is one of the best herbs for elasticity issues in the skin due to its tightening properties. Breast sagging is one of the natural process of aging. Women breast contain soft glandular tissues and does not contain any muscular tissue hence loosens easily. As women gets older, tissues around breast area start stretching and lose elasticity. Breast sagging starts post feeding in mothers . It is also caused due to hormonal changes during menopause when muscle lose elasticity and reduce fat. There are various reasons for Breast Sagging.
Aging: The most common reason for Saggy breasts is that the Women in their 40s start to lose fats and protein of their body and thus tissue elasticity decreases rapidly. They also start to have loose muscles around thighs, abdomen and even face skin .
Uncomfortable clothing: In the growth years of young girls the size of the breast starts to increase. This requires proper care and support .Ill-fitted bras and very tight clothing may restrain proper shape and size growth of breasts.
Weight Gain and Weight loss: Rapid weight gain and weight loss may also cause sagging of the skin by sudden stretching or contracting of ligaments by losing body fats reduces a very vital protein known as Elastin from our skin. Elastin is responsible for elasticity in our body. Carcinogens break down this protein and decrease the elasticity of the skin which in turn causes sagging breasts.
Pregnancy and Breast feeding: Pregnancy and breast feeding causes breast sagging. Multiple pregnancies can loosen elasticity of skin and cause sagging. As the breast prepare for feeding during pregnancy they grow in size to retain milk for the baby. Post nursing period once the breast milk dries up the breasts size starts reducing and sagging starts. Breast sagging may be hereditary or caused by exercise without support and also sunburn. What are the symptoms of Saggy breast? Saggy breasts may appear tubular in shape, droopy and have very large or protruding nipples with a larger-than-normal areola.
One of the first symptoms of sagging breasts is a noticeable shift of the areola towards the lower portion of the breast. The ligaments and connective tissue in a woman’s breasts gives shape to her breasts and requires estrogen to remain elastic. As a woman ages, the amount of estrogen her body produces decreases and this has a negative effect on the elasticity of her skin and results in sagging breasts. How can we control breast sagging? You cannot control sagging due to aging or pregnancy but you can make changes in your life style to reduce changes of getting saggy breast earlier than age. Like, you can maintain healthy body, use supportive bras and using breast tightening creams.
18. Kelp: Every cell in the body needs iodine, and this is especially true in women. Breast tissue has a much greater concentration of iodine than the thyroid gland. In healthy breasts, iodine provides a host of antioxidant benefits and on the flip side, iodine deficiency can make the breast tissue more vulnerable to disease and cancer, specifically breast cancer. Without adequate amounts of iodine, breast tissue may be at a higher risk to developing microcysts, and eventually, fibrocystic breast disease.
It’s important to consider 4 key factors that can encourage breast health and growth tissue.
1. Supplementation: Nutritional supplementation can increase breast health and appearance by working internally to support healthy cell production, maintenance, and stabilization of breast tissue and hormone health.
2. Breast Massage: is essential to keeping your breasts healthy. Breast massage increases cell growth and stimulates your breast tissue to maintain healthy secretion of hormones including prolactin (mood and body function), oxytocin (connection), and estrogen (curves). I read a great article below that helps explain the art of breast massage and benefits.
3. Nutrition: Eating nutritious healthy foods will determine how well your body can function in order to accurately produce energy to maintain cell turnover, cell health and active production of cells for hormone balance. Being that breasts are made of fatty tissue, eating healthy fats and monitoring healthy body fat can be effective.
4. Exercise: Exercise can help lift and sculpt your breasts by firming and sculpting the muscles behind your breast tissue. Be mindful that weight loss and fat loss can decrease breast size.
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