Hysterectomies and Fibroid Tumors

Hysterectomies and Fibroid Tumors

What is a Hysterectomy?

Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. It may also involve removal of the cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes and other surrounding structures.

Usually performed by a gynecologist, a hysterectomy may be total (removing the body, fundus, and cervix of the uterus; often called “complete”) or partial (removal of the uterine body while leaving the cervix intact; also called “supracervical”). It is the most commonly performed gynecological surgical procedure. Removal of the uterus renders the patient unable to bear children (as does removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes) and has surgical risks as well as long-term effects. So the surgery is normally recommended only when other treatment options are not available or have failed.

Hysterectomies are often being performed due to fibroid tumors. Black women are the most likely to have them done because of their diet. Fibroid tumors are very common to American women, especially African-American, Caucasian and Latino-American females. In fact 80% of women will have fibroid tumors at some point during their lifetime. The primary cause of fibroid tumors is estrogen dominance, toxicity, dairy consumption, hair perms and liver issues.

The female womb is very important to the physical and emotional makeup of the woman. Metaphysics teaches us “as within, so without,” therefore, the outer house is a reflection of the inner house (womb).  By neglecting the womb and reproductive health, disease has manifested in the reproductive chamber.

Part of the healing of the wounded womb is getting the woman back to her sanctuary. Back to her garden, to a more plant based diet that is devoid of processed foods.


Post-Hysterectomy Surgery

The body will still expel what the physical uterus is no longer there to eliminate. It will use the upper back and neck to throw off toxins via hot sweats which have become commonly called “hot flashes.” Hot flashes are attempts to remove toxins that the uterus used to remove. The body now uses a different method to meet its objective. The uterus has other functions that are generally discounted but become transparent once the woman decides to have it removed perhaps pursuant to fear induced by medical advice.

Hot flashes are a normal part of menopause and will naturally occur in Western women. When a women removes her uterus she brings on menopause and its symptoms abruptly and prematurely. Menopause comes on quickly in a woman who has undergone a hysterectomy because there’s no uterus channel the toxins.

Medical Uses

Hysterectomy is a major surgical procedure that has risks and benefits, and affects a woman’s hormonal balance and overall health for the rest of her life. Because of this, hysterectomy is normally recommended as a last resort to remedy certain intractable uterine/reproductive system conditions. Such conditions include, but are not limited to:

  • Severe and intractable endometriosis (growth of the uterine lining outside the uterine cavity) and/or adenomyosis (a form of endometriosis, where the uterine lining has grown into and sometimes through the uterine wall musculature), after pharmaceutical or other surgical options have been exhausted.
  • Chronic pelvic pain, after pharmaceutical or other surgical options have been exhausted.
  • Postpartum to remove either a severe case of placenta praevia (a placenta that has either formed over or inside the birth canal) or placenta percreta (a placenta that has grown into and through the wall of the uterus to attach itself to other organs), as well as a last resort in case of excessive obstetrical haemorrhage.
  • Several forms of vaginal prolapse.

Natural Alternatives

The only alternative to hysterectomies is to cleanse and detoxify the uterus. 

Change your thoughts to positive ones! Healing, like sickness and disease, begins in the mind.

Change your attitude about healing. Obviously, nature takes longer to heal but there are no adverse side effects with using herbs. Learn to be patient and take personal responsibility for your health. The uterine problems have manifested because of your diet, lifestyle and thoughts. You gave yourself fibroid tumors based upon what you ate and what you allowed to be entered into your vagina and stored there. 

Change your lifestyle. Avoid casual sex. Protect and respect your womb. Schedule a consultation with us to learn more about this.

Refrain from inserting unhealthy things into your womb that have no business there, i.e. plastic dildos, vibrators, condoms (unless you use them for birth control purposes), tampons, etc.

Perform gentle exercises, i.e. yoga, stretching, Pilates, tai chi, walking, swimming, etc. Avoid strenuous exercise such as jogging and running (greatly damages the uterus), weight lifting, etc.

You have options and alternatives to hysterectomy.

The primary objective of The Urban Herb is provide plant based solutions every health challenge. Because so many women are confronted with fibroid tumors and the symptoms that they mistakenly believe are normal during their menstrual cycle, we created our “Fibroid Reducer” formula. Regardless of how large the fibroids are, our unique formula will reduce and eventually eliminate the health challenge with consistent use. Despite the fact that some women have spent years growing fibroid tumors, most women see a significant improvement in symptoms within 30 days and a noticeable reduction in size within 3 to 6 months. However, the best part of this product is that it can be used as a preventative measure to eliminate the likelihood that you ever have fibroid tumors. You can find our Fibroid Reducer formula here: https://theurbanherb.net/product/fibroid-reducer.

Whatever decision you make, it is your personal choice. The important thing is make choices that you can accept and that you can live with.

Dietary Intervention

Change your diet. Consider going vegetarian or vegan (75%) and raw foods (25%).

Give up meat, dairy products (the greatest physical culprit of fibroid tumors), refined grains, fatty foods, sugary foods, etc. Refrain from eating so much processed and refined so-called foods. Eat predominantly fruits, vegetables, seeds, legumes, nuts, and grains.

Drink plenty of water (alkaline water is best) and drink plenty of herbal teas.

theurbanherb.net. Solutions for fibroid tumors 

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